August 16, 2007

"Male Dominated Shit Show"

Tis true.....the spunky little blonde that coined that phrase above to describe the office in which we work has resigned. :(

Good bye, my sweet Liz.

I won't hold it against you for leaving me as the last female to work in this office that is filled with testosterone-driven sports chatter 8 hours daily. I won't hold it against you because I envy you. You get to work from home with the luxury that goes along with that which is freedom. Ahhh, freedom. One day I, too, will join those ranks.

For now, let's quickly reminisce about the girls that have gone before Liz.

Bethany - Boy, I miss the wacky things that came out of her mouth...she was always good for a great chuckle.
Aileen - My Rock. I thought I would lose it when she left, but I've survived...only because she's on IM and I pretend she's still in the cube next to me. Hi, Aileen! :)
Tatjana - I didn't really bond with Tatjana, the high-strung cokehead (What? it's true!) who wore knee high boots with shorts and ended up in rehab. But G*D DAMN she was interesting! I eagerly anticipated her every next word because it would be more off the wall than her last.
Wendy - I'll not soon forget her method of waking me up at the hotel during the Regional Sales Meeting. She gently rubbed my shoulders and whispered, "it's time to get up, it's time to get up". I thought an angel had replaced my alarm. She only lasted about 4 months.
Nancy - she worked from Florida, but the times she DID come to Chicago I still treasure. She continues to teach me invaluable lessons about how precious life is.
Laura - even though her nickname was the "Ice Princess", she had a great selection of shoes. That's all I have to say about that.

I've seen a lot of girls come and go since I started here. It's not that I don't enjoy working with men. If I didn't, I wouldn't have joined the Marine Corps. But there is something to be said about having that female bond in the office.

And then there was One.........


Anonymous said...

Not only are you the only blonde left but you still sit in the fish bowl cube. You'll Survive, you always do. Kick some A$$ Girl!

Anonymous said...

DEANNA!!!!!!!! (that's all I could say about that)

Nancy Wehrell said...

Let the boys know who the REAL boss is ;) XO Nancy


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