Aren't dogs funny? We thought it was pretty comical that our dog sleeps under a blanket, also known as his woobie. I used to think that he feels safe under the blanket, but finally admitted that it's our ceiling fan on full blast that keeps him covered.
I'd like to share with you Cooper's stages of weirdness in his bed. This is what he used to look like when he would sleep:
Then he started sleeping with his blankie/woobie. Normally, you can't even see his head as he covers himself completely, but I pulled the covers off his head to take these pictures.
Recently, he started destroying his bed by digging in it as if he were trying to get to China. He ended up ripping open the entire side.....and then crawled inside. He even took his woobie into his new nest.
When I woke up yesterday morning this is what I found:
So my question is this: how in the world does an animal, void of thumbs, manage to crawl into a little space, bring his blankie with him and then cover himself up completely??
Yeah, I don't know either.......but he seems to have the answer.

So cute! My friend's dog does the same thing. Norbert flips the blanket up with his nose and scoots under.
unbelieveable!!!! love the photo document :)
this is liz by the way, not arianna. the goddess of tri and dogs :)
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