June 13, 2008

Google Alerts are the best!

Do you all have Google alerts out there on yourselves? I do. I get Google alerts on some friends from High School, the Marines and many of my clients. How great do I look when my clients launch a new product and I call them up the same day and say "Hey, I heard about that new natural chicken sausage in Kroger!" Basically, it saves you the time of having to Google them. Google does it for you and if a new entry pops up across the net, you get the email informing you.

I received an email today with my name as the alert. I thought maybe my company removed my name from their website (I resigned a week ago), but this is what I found:

Google alert for http://www.zabasearch.com/.

Original Message:
Message Sent Monday, June 2, 2008 11:05 pm (Pacific Time)From: , , USArea Code: UnknownZip Code: Unknown
To: DEANNA S***R Deanna, I am looking for Deanna S***r that lived close toon Johnny Cake in Mayfield Ohio or around that area. I moved to AZ when I was in 3rd grade. Just wondering how you are. Please contact me.
Email the person who wrote this Respond to this message Leave a new message Email this message

So of course I replied back but the person doesn't say who they are. The only friend I can remember that moved away was Casey Hubbach, but she moved to Tennessee.

Who is the sender!?!?!

Stay tuned!

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