To add more crap to our never-ending TO DO list:
Brian was picking me up from the train tonight. As I was walking in front of his car towards the passenger side to open the door I see an SUV behind him turning right. Towards Brian. Not looking. Yep, you got it.....BAM! Brian's whole rear end is MESSED up (he thinks its about 4k worth of damages).
And to make matters worse....
He was hit by a guy with no drivers license.
Who is an illegal immigrant.
Who was subsequently drinking.
Who didn't speak any English.
We called one of our groomsmen who happens to be a Chicago Detective who came to the scene and tried to talk to him. He had 2 beer cans in the truck. Soooo the police arrested him.
Poor guy. I know.....of course it was a stupid mistake on his part to drink and drive, not pay attention AND drive without a license, but dang, do we feel bad! We were just trying to get home....we didn't want anyone to go to jail!!
He was cooperative and gave us his insurance card (ummm, anyone heard of Magnum insurance? Yeah, neither have we) and let us talk to his boss who spoke English, but what were we supposed to do? Cross our fingers that his insurance will pay for what is sure to be expensive damages?
Sorry, buddy. :(
(Oh and both of us are totally fine and still made it to the gym to work out)
February 19, 2008
Life's Tough. Wear a Helmet.
8:36 PM
filed under: there is nothing worse
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OMG! I'm glad everyone's ok!
What a horrible evening!
Maybe this is just me being cold-hearted, but honestly, I wouldn't feel bad for this guy. Chances are he's a repeat offender and would've done this again and who knows, may have killed someone. You might have done him a favor. This could be the shake-up he needs.
Yeah, that's what I thinking. I was really lucky to not be walking in front of brian's car when he hit him. Otherwise, I'd be hit, too.
And the part of the story that I left out is that this guy almost hit Brian about a min and a half before the accident. So...yes...he messed up.
Still tugs on my heart strings that someone is in jail.
I'm glad that both of you are okay. But, I don't think I would feel bad for the guy who hit you because (1) you shouldn't drink and drive; (2) if you don't have a valid license, you shouldn't be driving; and (3)you guys could have really been injured.
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