September 26, 2007

From the desk of Dr's Confino and Clinton

I spoke with both my Reproductive Endocrinologist and my OB/Gyn this week about my FSH levels. They are both very happy with my decreasing levels!

I inquired if my level can give a false number and they said that if I don't do the test on exactly the third day of my cycle, then it will get higher the later I do it. So that's encouraging! Very, very encouraging!

They both agreed that I can discontinue my monthly testing until after the holidays. Yay! Once Brian and I decide to take the plunge and try for a baby, then they want me to start the process again to monitor the levels.

For now, no more early wake up calls on Sundays!

As a public service announcement, I encourage ALL women out there who are thinking about having a baby to get their levels checked. It was an eye opening experience to find out that our bodies kill off HUNDREDS, yes HUNDREDS, of eggs a month. Of course, you would THINK that it's one egg a month, right? The ovary pops it out and it travels down the fallopian tube and if it's not fertilized in a certain amount of time, then the body sheds it in the form of a period (sorry, guys). We learned that in the 5th grade, right? So who would have thought that it's really hundreds of eggs per month??

Get your levels checked!!!

1 comment:

Bethie said...

There's seriously more than one egg every month? That's so much more effecient than just one!

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