August 13, 2007

Why the controversy?

Have you heard about the new tattoo ink that can be removed with just 1 laser treatment, should you decide you are over it? If not, then click here and check it out.

Well I guess "purists" are up in arms as they feel it takes away the value of getting a tattoo. They say if it's just going to be erased than it's just fashion or a fad. So my question for the Internets is, "Where is the freakin' harm in THAT?"

I got 2 tattoo's when I was 18 years young during my first year in the Marine Corps. These tat's were only a few of the myriad of mistakes I made before I was 21 years old, but that's a whole different story. At the time, they seemed like a good idea. But 14 years later, I am a different person with different values (and thank God for that) and I've changed....a lot. I've decided the bulldog that was on my shoulder blade & drawn to appear as it was ripping out of my flesh was not so flattering any more (ya think?). The tat's were great for a few years but I soon found myself covering them up whenever I had to go to a formal event or don a dress. The tattoo on my shoulder dictated what kind of clothing I could wear and the selection was limited to whatever covered up that big bulldog my shoulder blade. That removed anything strapless or strappy (large or small) from any potential outfits. It would be an understatement to say that going clothes shopping was frustrating.

Last year I began laser treatments to have the shoulder tat removed. At $300 bucks a pop, it was a ripoff and not to mention SO painful. Having to spread out the treatments every 6 weeks to allow time for the ink to break up added to the PITA* factor. Then the price went up to $400 a pop after my 3rd treatment. Double ouch. LUCKILY, there is a really cool gal behind the desk who I've befriended and she hooks me up with the $300 price still. I've had 5 treatments and my tattoo is very faded, but still visible, and my doc tells me that I'll need 2-3 more minimum. Yep, my $100 tattoo has now cost me $1200 and counting. This does not include parking at Northwestern (and we all know that parking in Chicago is cheap) and the countless hours away from work, too.

But hey! I'll get to walk down the aisle in April with a lovely wedding gown and not fret about everyone staring at the bulldog and not the bride. So for me, the $$ is well spent.

So again, I have to ask, why the controversy? We change. We want different things as we evolve as humans and our taste changes, too. my opinion, anyone under the age of 21 should not be allowed to get permanent ink in the first place (there is a reason the drinking age is 21). So my point is simple: should you be contemplating some new ink.....let me just remind you that tattoo's are a permanent gesture of a temporary feeling. Think hard about it before taking the plunge. And if you do take the plunge, contact Freedom 2 to find their erasable ink in a parlor near you!

If you are thinking of having a tat removed, contact Dr. Yoo! He's the best.

* pain in the ass

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I forget I have my tattoo on the small of my back. You are right, I don't think most people should get a tat until there are 21, I bet most people probably wouldn't bother to after that time.

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