August 13, 2007

"This is How" you make Cooper crazy

We've discovered a funny thing at home. Every single time the new iPhone commercial comes on, Cooper goes crazy and starts howling at the same time during the commerical (around second 20). We rewind it and sure enough, at the same moment every time, he starts howling again. What is it with this commercial? Maybe he just really wants an iPhone.

Does your dog do this?


Jen @ SecondCitySoiree said...

Hmm, no - neither G nor G seem to have a reaction to that commercial.

They mostly pay attention to shows with dogs:

Jen @ SecondCitySoiree said...

Blogger cut off the URL:

Anonymous said...

No, Chuckie doesn't react to that commercial instead he likes to bark at my daughters tiger cup. To the point that he growls at the cabinet because he knows it's inside.

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