January 17, 2008


Our Doodler (that's his nickname) is getting better by the hour!! The vet said he's acting like a normal dog again and he's resting in a kennel. He's still on the IV to try to flush out the chemicals so we have to go back at 6:30 tonight. We'll then see if we have to either take him to the overnight hospital or if we can bring him home.

The vet told me that due to the fact that Brian got him in there so quickly really saved his life. Talk about a "lucky dog".

If our furnace didn't break then Brian and I would have gone to work and come home in the evening. After he ate the pills. Crazy how things happen like that, isn't it?


Jen @ SecondCitySoiree said...

What a scary thought! Cooper definitely has a little doggie angel. Glad to hear he's ok.

Chanthana said...

I'm so glad to hear Coop is getting better. I can't wait to see him and give him a big hug.

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