August 26, 2007

Open Letter to Hair Cuttery

Dear Dennis Ratner,

I hear your commercials each and every time I drive in the car. While I understand that YOU probably feel that your "Don't like your haircut or your next one is free" policy is awesome, I strongly disagree.

Dennis, you know and I know that if you f up my hair then I ain't comin' back. How about this instead? How about if you f up my hair then it's free NOW? Yeah, I think that works better.

Since I hear your commercial about 51 times a week during peak driving time, then I assume you are selling a lot of those $13* haircuts and you can probably afford to change that policy of yours. Hey, maybe you can even air the commercials only 12 times a week between 1 and 3am while I am fast asleep? I don't have to hear your commercials anymore and you get more foot traffic due to your new and improved policy! Hey, it's a win win!

So how about it?

Thanks bunches,

* and No, I've never had one because let's face it: you get what you pay for

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