August 14, 2007

Curb this

I emailed the Chicago Distance Classic and shared with them that the course appeared to be almost a mile. Here is the response I received today:

Hi Deanna –

The course was certified by USATF as 13.1 miles. When a course is certified they measure it at the shortest distance possible, hugging the curbs, etc. When you run with 11,000 people you often have to go around people or take a curve wider than the person who measured the course, causing you to add additional mileage.
For your next race I would try to run as close to the curb as possible so you can get as close to the exact distance as possible.


In an effort to try to be a better person, I will not respond to Beth. However, I CAN tell YOU what I would say to her, therefore, making myself feel better about the situation.

Hi Beth!
Thanks for your timely response to my email. Your explanation definitely sheds some light on the situation and it all makes sense to me now. You see, in an effort to achieve a new PR while running a half marathon in high heat and even higher humidity, I inadvertently took each and every curb at the widest possible angle. Silly me, Beth! I really was thoroughly enjoying being out there with those 11,000 people, basking in the sun, drenched in sweat from the humidity, while my heart rate exceeded 182 bpm for 2 straight hours. I guess it never occurred to me once that if I stayed close to each curb when the course turned that I might finish the race faster, and ultimately SOONER. Who knew that you can add almost a complete mile onto a race course by just taking the curbs wide?

Silly me, Beth!

Please disregard my email and please, please don't feel the need to doublecheck this distance for the 11,000 runners that sign up next year. You just have yourself a fantastic day!

Warm regards,


Anonymous said...

I knew it was off!!!! My time was way longer than it should it have been! Grrrrrr


Bethie said...

Your response is AWESOME! That completely cracked me up!

Excellent blog, I'm sure I'll be back often!

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